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  1. I just recently got my callsign for GMRS! Yay! Plus I'm working towards getting my ham. Please forgive me since I'm so new here. What can or can't I say? We all have different cultures or things we like to say that isn't offensive but are to others. Where is the line? The word gay used to mean happy and some old folks still use it, rarely though. What about "dank" that means cool? What about the phrase 420 just to be funny? Indecent language or meaning is pretty broad and vague. Heaven forbid we talk about religion/politics over the radio! XD What if I'm hiking and my brother says, "check out my sick moves!" Today's American culture is pretty tolerant and most don't take offense. It's even part of our normal language. I'm not asking about really bad words like -----. That's obvious. Another issue is identification. I guess my question would be answered by an example. How do you talk to other GMRS users? Do I have to use my callsign everytime I end my conversation? What about if I'm talking to a family member hiking or biking? How do I start a conversation and end it? What if we talk at random times spaced out? It seems like GMRS is like FRS but more "proper". Can't I use it like FRS? What if I want to use the extended range (More watts in GMRS) for hiking, biking, camping, snowmobiling, or for any other recreational use? Thanks, guys! Peace out!
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