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  1. All, just got my Comet 712EFC from DX. The package that the antenna came in clearly said Comet 712EF, and a sticker was added at the end so it says "712EFC." The antenna itself does appear to say 712EFC. Has any one else experienced this? I assume it is to save on manufacturing costs so Comet only has to produce one package, but I wanted to double check as those are two different antennas for different frequencies.
  2. Got it. This is helpful. But, what is a pro version of this antenna that Public Safety uses?
  3. I have a Midland MXT500, and a Wouxon 1000G. I would like to use them with power supplies and setup a base station in my garage. The only antenna I have is a Midland MXTA26 (6DB Gain). It works, but I would like a better antenna for home use to maximize my FARS (perhaps a Fong or Comet). I can put it in my attic, or on the outside of my home as long as it is under 20 feet. Thoughts? Thanks! Mostly for repeater use.
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