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About WRZT489

  • Birthday 07/04/1950

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  • Location
    Dayton, NV

WRZT489's Achievements

  1. It seems this is a very low power repeater. I drove closer and it functions properly. Pretty sure I can transmit and receive at this distance in simplex. Next time I'm out of my area I will try another repeater. I have excellent results with my 2M talking on repeaters 30 miles away. GMRS and Ham are 50W mobile radios with good antennas and low SWR. Now if I can only get this Dayton, NV Jeep club to toss their CB's Thank you
  2. When I requested permission to use the repeater the owner only gave one CTCSS PL tone. I've programed my HT with and without a receive tone. I hear the ID either way but no voice. This may be a very low power repeater so I will take a drive closer and also try another repeater which I'll need to get in range of (mountains blocking that one). Thanks
  3. That is a possibility, I'm probably seven miles away and this is a new repeater. I never hear any other traffic on it other than the ID. I monitored with my HT and transmitted with my 50W mobile. So you're saying it could be normal to not have the receive LED lit on my HT while speaking on the mobile but still get it briefly with the trailing squelch tone?
  4. I programed the local GMRS repeater into my MXT575 mobile and also into my HT. I hear the repeater ID transmitted every 15 minutes and I "hit" the repeater when I key either radio. I do hear the squelch tone or whatever it's called after I release the PTT. My transmission apparently opens the repeater but there is no transmission of voice while the PTT is pressed. Is this a problem with the repeater? I only have one in the area to test on. All my Ham repeater setups work fine on my 2M mobile and HT. Also, I'm assuming the R-CTCSS doesn't need to be set but would reduce channel traffic to repeater only. I've programed with and without this but neither seems to change anything. Thankyou
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