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  1. It seems that you can only transmit on the main (top) channel shown ? I have the lower channel set on the same frequency but no red light on that one. Thanks to all.
  2. It seems that you can only transmit on the main (top) channel shown ? I have the lower channel set on the same frequency but no red light on that one. Thanks to all.
  3. Thanks. I’ve got it working now and I think the secret is to never do any menu settings in VFO mode ! In channel mode, once I saved 462.650 to channel 31, it showed up as DIY1. I think that’s how it went anyway !
  4. Thanks but I’m still not clear. Xmit is fine on pre-programmed channel 27 (repeater 5) but when I add the same frequency to channel 31 it doesn’t work. Would it have anything to do with an incorrect tone ?
  5. In memory mode - using REPTR5 (ch 27) (assuming that’s 462.650), PTT works (ie. light turns to red.) Additionally, I have DIY1 set exactly the same (462.650) but PTT doesn’t work (ie. light stays green.) Why is this ? Thanks.
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