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Posts posted by BobFudge88

  1. Got the GM-5RH and I can confirm that the radios are exactly the same. There are 2 differences: the welcome screen when you turn it on and the brand of the longer antenna. I bought this on Amazon from ABBREE's listing which not-so-ironically came with branded ABBREE AR-771. It is "whippier" than the UV-5G+ longer antenna due to the thickness changing halfway up the antenna. Both radios use the GM-5RH listing on CHIRP to program which tells me the GM-5RH probably came first in production. (being that the UV-5G+ isn't listed and the GM model is)  

    My thought is that, like Btech, ABBREE has some kind of agreement with Baofeng allowing them to sell radios with ABBREE antennas. The volume nob seems to be tighter on the GM model which I kind of like. Either way, I'm keeping the UV-5G+ and gifting the GM-5RH to a friend. 

  2. 6 days into my GMRS journey I bought a UV-5G Plus. Been using it now for 2 days and I've enjoyed it so far. Today I came across the GM-5RH and re-realized that we're all plugged into the matrix anyway. For $5 less, I can get the same radio with a GM on the sticker, 2 antennas, a dock charger, and a programming cable. I ordered it so I will see firsthand that they are the same. My hunch is the GM-5RH is a precursor to the UV-5G Plus OR the other way around. Might be an international version vs a USA "locked" version... WHO KNOWS! 

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