I watched your YT vid as well as Randy's re: installation of a GMRS base station. Very helpful. I'm also going thru the files that have been shared here. This thread has been great help in my planning. I can't make a rec for a lighting arrestor, but I do have a question.
I see you used armored cable (or, armored your conductor) for the antenna ground. I have a bit of a longer run (say, 75 feet) to get to my grounding rod from the antenna base than your situation. And the conductor would run exposed across a not small portion of my roof here in Central FL, where we do get a fair bit of lightning. The question is, doesn't the armoring (spiral wound aluminum, if not mistaken) for the cable create yet another path for static/lighting? I would think that would have to be grounded as well - or did you address that in your vid and I missed it? I'll look thru the files, but what other options might there be for protecting the ground wire across its run besides armorflex?
Thanks for any help.