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Everything posted by WQNG647

  1. since it is not a GMRS radio how did you get it to work on GMRS?
  2. thank you and which radios do you prefer?
  3. yes she is 4 days older than I am and was born linda jean carter went to Hollywood changed her name to lynda carter got rich and famous and left be broke. this is for real as we are both the same age
  4. I'm looking to replace my old 10-year-old gmrs radio and have been looking at the Baofeng GMRS radios but most of what I can find is that they are not FCC-certified and not legal to use. So why are they being pushed around the GMRS community when they are not really legal? Since they come from China or Asia. what are the pro's and con's over the Beofeng GMRS radios over other GMRS radios? if someone can show me that they are legal i would consider getting one . thank you for your assistance WQNG647
  5. Thank you on the Wouxun KG-935G. Also what range and connection issues have you had to the repeaters?
  6. I have a few portable GMRS handhelds that need to be replaced and been reading about some that come from China. but I need to have one that is FCC-approved. Trying to figure out what are the best ones to get for power and distance so that I can access the local GMRS repeaters. I could use some assistance. MsLinda WQNG647 mslindacarter@gmail.com mslindacarter@icloud.com
  7. I'm trying to figure out how to chat with others who have repeaters and others who are close to me on the GMRS network for some local information. I have found a few local GMRS users close to me and would like to chat with them one one-on-one. by email or so on. Please help me out, and thank you for your assistance. MsLinda Carter WQNG647
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