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Everything posted by Drewster

  1. I appreciate all of your feedback on this! its good fuel for my brain right now. should have new antenna and setup this week sometime. I'm going to stretch up as far as I can. Again , thank you all!
  2. I am running LMR 400 @ 40 FT and 45 watts. just wasn't sure if the higher db would send upward enough to help my dense tree problem.
  3. Hello! I'm in the process of my first roof (chimney) mount antenna. As far as brand I'm leaning towards comet per positive feedback I've noticed. I am in a somewhat heavily wooded area, dB gain is where I'm still learning. I'll be able to mount up around 40-50 feet or so in total but no chance of outreaching all the trees. I was thinking a 6 dB would be my best route? Still learning and open to any feedback. Thank you in advance!
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