I am confused (nothing new). MYGMRS.com lists a really great repeater near me. I listened to it with my ham radio. Bought the license ordered a pair of radios for GMRS. Now I am listening to the repeater with a 30 cm (462.700 which is channel 21) ham radio until the GMRS radios arrive. Put in the CTCSS codes even the offset though I never transmitted.
So I receive the GMRS radios. One is for my mom 77 years old (dad died) she is alone in a rural area that gets patchy cell signal, not always there. Because the repeater is set up on a non dedicated repeater frequency (which is legal on the 50 watt non dedicated channels). You can not set the offset and still be able to transmit on non dedicated repeater channels, you can only listen (offset is preset in the dedicated repeater channels). My point being to contact\Use this repeater (and thousands of others) you have to use a NON FCC\GMRS compliant radio. Which is expressly against the rules.
Am I understanding this correctly?
Do you know what it would be like to teach a 77 year old to used a UV-5R (bump the vfo button she would never get back to the channels)? The GMRS she can just click through channels.