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Everything posted by wscu331

  1. It sounds like you are using the app. I had the same problem. I use the web based ODmaster. You can use the “add frequency plan” and it will have everything correct. I uploaded it it my TD H3 and it was happy happy. https://web.odmaster.net
  2. TIDRadio replied to my question on one of “their” videos. The replier stated tidradio was “looking into” Mac software for firmware updates.
  3. The hub I have worked with the raddiodity and wouxun radios, but not with the TD H3. It did connect with the Apple adaptor with no issues.
  4. Yes, the Apple adapter worked like a charm. We still need to solve the issue of needing windoze to update firmware when necessary. My radios came with the newer firmware that adds the additional menu items. Those enable 200>500
  5. I have an M1 Apple silicon iMac. I tried using the third party USB C to USB hub I bought, it’s not seeing the radio. I’m going to pick up an Apple usb c to usb adapter and see if that makes a difference. https://a.co/d/d6Jvw1Y The Apple adapter worked. I also tried a USB C on both ends cable and it did. It did not see the radio.
  6. Unfortunately we Apple Silicon Mac owners can’t use boot camp to create a windows partition. I gifted my intel IMac to my mother. If need, I guess I can create a windows partition to update the firmware if really necessary. I have been unable to use CHIRP via the USB C port since my M1 iMac doesn’t have a USB A port. The third party C to A hub I have is not working. I’m going to buy an Apple adapter and see if that works. In the meantime, I used the web based ODmaster to program the H3 via Bluetooth. The iPhone app is a PIA to use.
  7. I have an M1 Apple silicon iMac. I tried using the third party USB C to USB hub I bought, it’s not seeing the radio. I’m going to pick up an Apple usb c to usb adapter and see if that makes a difference. https://a.co/d/d6Jvw1Y
  8. With the Kenwood port or the USB C port? I ended up using odmaster on the chrome browser.
  9. Anyone with a Mac been able to use a USB C cable and CHIRP?
  10. Amazon just delivered them.
  11. I ordered the HAM twin pack from Amazon. Should I return it and order the GMRS twin pack? The HAM had a one week delivery time when the GMRS had a six week delivery date. My research shows it's the same radio.
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