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LeoG last won the day on January 30

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  1. There is no difference between the TD-H3 Ham and GMRS radios. When they send you the radio it tuned to the frequency of the band you bought. The radio will come with antennas specific to the radio you bought. HAM will come with antennas tuned for those frequencies and GMRS will come with an antenna tuned for that frequency. It's just the mode you choose to put it in. Most of the H3s I have are HAM versions and I bought a GMRS version and the only difference is the antenna(s)
  2. They do it on purpose so normal people can't dissect it without a lawyers help. And they also make it so it can be interpreted several different ways. That way they can say they use this interpretation and now you need to be fined. Usually someone needs to rat you out unless you are doing something so obvious you call yourself out. My repeater is family only. I've had people decode and use the system on rare occasion. And I'm still not worried.
  3. (c) Any GMRS repeater station is not required to transmit station identification if: (1) It retransmits only communications from GMRS stations operating under authority of the individual license under which it operates; and, (2) The GMRS stations whose communications are retransmitted are properly identified in accordance with this section. Whoops
  4. (c) Any GMRS repeater station is not required to transmit station identification if: (1) It retransmits only communications from GMRS stations operating under authority of the individual license under which it operates; and, (2) The GMRS stations whose communications are retransmitted are properly identified in accordance with this section. Sounds like as long as the people using the repeater transmit their own IDs the repeater doesn't need to identify itself.
  5. I second that. The quality control of their radios doesn't seem to be the greatest. But if you email them they'll send you a replacement without an issue. Or if you did Amazon just request a return, but you'll have to give up both and wait for the replacements. I have 14 of them and had 3 that didn't transmit properly. All replaced without issue. When you get a good one they work well. Remember, you're buying a $30 radio. I'm betting there is zero testing, they just make'm and put them in the box. For the price they can't be testing them. I have no idea how they can make a radio with all the accessories and ship it out for the price they do. I bought a Smiley antenna that cost $27 just for the antenna.
  6. What is it that you do like?
  7. Definitely agree with how loud they can get. Wish my Wouxun mobile would get this loud. Sound quality of the Wouxun is far better but that doesn't do it in a loud environment like on the highway with the windows down.
  8. Cheap chynese Radio. Must be horrible. And people have had problems with them that the company has resolved quickly. How horrible. Might as well spend 4 to 5 times as much and get a quality radio with many less features that you can only program with a computer instead of the keyboard on the fly.
  9. I'm just waiting for the cable to arrive so I can install the mic update. Looks like you have to do that before the 1.008R update. At least that's what it said to do in the instructions. My Wouxun cable for whatever reason won't work even though it has the right chip. I'm assuming I'll have difficulty with the new cable but can't know until I get it. I have a Win7 and Win10 computer and neither seems to connect to the repeater properly with the settings they've said to use. In the bottom left hand corner of the CMD screen it says Offlin and the baud rate of 115200 and some other things that are cut off. I assume Offlin means it's not connected.
  10. Can the CW ID be setup to stay silent during repeater inactivity and ID only when active. Does it wait for talking to stop before IDing? Or is that still the same with ID after every unkey or just timed based to infinity.
  11. I have over a dozen of the H3s and one Baofeng UV-26
  12. Ahhh, I see. Well so far my update is a no go.
  13. After watching your video. And next time please exclude the woman in the blue bathing suit... I see you still need to update the firmware yourself. It does not come factory updated. I find that disappointing because all new stuff should be at the current update unless you get it during the crossover period. I am having the issue of not getting the menu to show when in the CMD screen on the computer so I can't choose 1 (or 2, 3 or 5) because the command screen is blank other than the fluorescent green cursor. So I am waiting patiently for the cord they sent me to arrive.
  14. I think you said that you picked up another RPT50 to try, is that correct Randy? I was wondering if you got the V1.008R version which has the microphone activated for use as a base station. I got the update for the Mic Update and can't get my computer to interface with the repeater through the RJ45 jack using a USB to RJ45 bridge adapter. They said they would send me one but I found that I had one for my Wouxun radio to program it. Pretty sure they are the same thing as I checked in the Device Manager in Windows and it looks exactly like they describe it in the instructions. So now I'm waiting for their cable to come on Friday to see if mine is the issue or it's another problems to solve. Just curious if the newer versions are coming out updated from the factory.
  15. BTECH GMRS-RPT50 Repeater 1.008R Release New Features and Improvements in 1.008R Release Date: 02/26/25 1. Hand Microphone Full Transmit/Receive Functionality: With firmware 1.008R, the hand microphone is no longer limited to just configuration tasks—it can now be used for both transmitting and receiving, effectively allowing the GMRS-RPT50 to function as a base station in addition to its role as a repeater. This means users can key up and communicate directly through the repeater without needing an external radio, making it more versatile for base station operation in home, emergency, or mobile setups. Whether monitoring local traffic or coordinating with other stations, this feature adds convenience and flexibility to the repeater’s capabilities. 2. Streamlined Menu: The firmware’s menu system has been refined to remove unused, redundant, or rarely accessed items. This decluttering makes it quicker to navigate the settings you actually need, reducing the likelihood of user confusion or misconfiguration. 3. CW ID On/Off: CW ID is the Morse code identifier that can be sent automatically to comply with identification requirements. Firmware 1.008R lets you decide whether to turn this ID feature on or off, giving you the flexibility to manage IDs exactly how you prefer—either automated via CW, or handled manually or by external logic. 4. Adjustable Squelch Level: You can now more precisely set how sensitive the repeater is to incoming signals. This is helpful if you live in an area prone to weak signals or noisy RF environments. By raising or lowering the squelch threshold, you can reduce unwanted static triggers while still allowing legitimate signals to pass. 5. Carrier Squelch RX/TX Mode: Previously, many repeaters required a CTCSS or DCS tone to activate transmit or open the squelch. With 1.008R, you have the option of pure carrier-based operation, ignoring any sub-audible tones on both receive (RX) and transmit (TX). This is especially handy for simple or wide-area repeater setups where tone-based access isn’t required or desired. 6. CTCSS/DCS Transmission with Identifier: Firmware 1.008R introduces a new configuration option that allows the CW ID to be transmitted either with or without the CTCSS/DCS tone used by the repeater. This gives users the flexibility to choose whether the station ID follows the same tone settings as regular transmissions (for systems requiring a uniform tone policy) or if it is sent without a tone, which is the standard practice for identification. This option ensures compatibility with different repeater setups while maintaining compliance with identification requirements. 7. Password Disable Option: For those who prefer seamless operation, the password feature can now be turned off entirely. This option removes the prompt that appears when configuration changes, ideal for shared stations in secure locations where password protection isn’t needed.
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