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  1. Progress update - I have the repeater up and running in a temporary setup for ease of trials. Currently 15' AGL on a temporary handmade tilt tower using a 50' RG-8 run. Even with the rolling hills of the thick woods, i am able to kerchunk at approx 5-7 miles currently on a 5w HT(bottom areas sketchy). Once i am satisfied with trials of different frequencies, i will move the antenna to my in ground tower at twice the height with LMR400.
  2. Will do
  3. FYI for near future reference. I am in the process of installing a repeater in the north central Ms area in the vicinity of the Lafayette Springs area. I will be using the Retevis RT97S with the Comet CA-712EFC antenna. Elevation will be at approx 430' MSL and about 30' AGL. I intend to do a fair amount of testing before making it visible.
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