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Everything posted by justin10

  1. I will continue the hunt when problem is found I will let everybody now
  2. The bulit in power supply shows factory volts on display 11.8 volts witch is in spec for the repeater not a power issue it puts out 45 to 50 watts with no drop while in use even when the noise happened so I don't the the amps or volts is the problem beginning to think it was some kind of keyup from a radio it hasn't happened again since that knight but I also shut down the cw at the 15min mark moved to 20min so it could be a clich in the cw software more testing is need a this point was really just wonder if the noise had been heard before I know the video is bad but you work with what you can Thanks everyone
  3. So i will be little more clear the repeater is using ac plugged power no power supply other then what is internal the one you see in the video is powering the watt swr meter only
  4. I would also think if it was a warning tone of some kind they would know what it was
  5. Swr 1.1 and I went though and manually programed it there was no wattage loss or drop in the volt meter btech is still running test with my same settings and so far they can't duplicate problem
  6. Yes it is the btech and i contacted them they do not know what caused the noise but they are being very helpful sorry about the bad video hard to catch it in time it was very sporadic it has not happened since yesterday after reset and it's very possible that someone was playing it over a radio I bought mine the same time you got yours had to go back for repair same problem since receiving it back two weeks now it's working great. The cw I think still needs some fine tuning big fan I watch you all the time
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