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Everything posted by Slufooted

  1. Yup i have to enable the RP channels if I want to use them. Im completely defeated with this thing.
  2. From what Im reading, the MTX275 does not support wideband. I sure feel like I made the wrong choice going with Midland.
  3. I wish I could send it back but my window has passed. Bought in May (USB-C) version 2 of them and same on both radios. So jokes aside, I haven't been able to actually use it since I got it.
  4. Yea the static Sorry, Im quite new to all this. i have tried quite a bit while people are chatting it up to get a radio check but no luck.
  5. I can connect to MT Lemon 550 I think it is, I get the tone after transmitting but get same results.
  6. Oh probably 100% Im very new to this stuff.
  7. So sometimes its the same traffic on both but other times, its just either or. There was a time where I was a mile from the exit on the freeway and someone was warning others about an accident near said exit so I assumed they would be open. I talked back to confirm and give a heads up about it, but zero reply.
  8. Yes, for me anyway. I only see the repeater channels if enabled in the radio.
  9. Pretty much all channels I can hear people. 19 usually my go to channel. I have never set tones?. I can hear on both simplex and repeater channels. I will set up the radio in another car today and send em our for a drive. I live in a pretty open area with minimal things to interfere as well so that would be a good test.
  10. I got the 275 just because its nice to have it all in one, but Im afraid I made a poor choice here. I will contact Midland and see about a firmware and software update and if that solves it, cool. If not, then I need to think about a different setup. I appreciate all the help as Im pretty new to this stuff.
  11. I sure hope someone out there can help. I have a midland mxt275, I can receive from super far distances all the time, but I cant seem to get a response while transmitting IE: Radio Check. Things I have done, checked ect. I have both ghost and whip antennas. SWR reads 1.1 - 1.5 on either. I have a 12" ground plane, solid 14V to the unit, I have reset to factory defaults, repeaters on and off, changed radios, changed cars, changed antennas/cables and get same results on both. I'm completely stumped here and could really use some advise. Going down the freeway, I hear tons of clear chatter close and miles away but I guess no one can hear me. I have tested in close proximity with 2 identical radios and I can receive and transmit on both w/out issues while 30 feet apart. Please, any advise would be greatly appreciated.
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