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Everything posted by WSDL331

  1. That explains it I’m new to gmrs thanks for the help
  2. I was listening to one of my hand helds on scan and keep picking up repeater tones I didn’t think frs radios could do that?
  3. I live west of Bartlesville and use that repeater
  4. I work near Tulsa and for some reason never can pick up the repeater for Tulsa I have I don’t have Facebook either
  5. It’s a midland mxt275 I was going to get the other one with 50 watts but figured I would try this one to make sure I’m going to like it
  6. I’m new to GMRS but curiosity has me wondering what is the purpose or why would someone want to stay hidden? (I’m probably going to regret this question)
  7. Made my first contact tonight I talked to a guy about 25 miles away a lot different than back in the old days with a mobile CB
  8. Any members from Oklahoma? Central to northeast?
  9. That clears it up thanks for the help
  10. That’s what I am wondering like I said I’m trying to figure it all out I was under the impression that if you use a repeater only you and the person you are talking to can use it at that time?
  11. Hello everyone I’m new to the grms radios I just put a midland mxt275 in my truck I have been sitting and listening for a couple days this weekend and listened to some guys about 30 miles away and could hear them crystal clear I have been asking for a radio check with no response I know I won’t be able to reach the guys in the other town I guess no one els in my area has one. What I am wondering is how am I hearing them from so far away? One I know was on a mobile unit he had just installed
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