I have a KG-905G and try to program it to also communicate with a set of BAOFENG BF-888S.
The channel list and CTCSS/DCS used for each channel I found online. However I can't get some channels to work.
In particular their channel 5, which is the one I want to use as the event organizer want's to keep using it "have done it always that way". This channel is using frequency 462.525 and when I program it into the KG-905G it doesn't work. I can enter it into the programming software and it writes it into the radio, but when I press the PTT button nothing transmits. I'm sure it's not transmitting as I have a small loudspeaker that will start humming every time I press the PTT button, just not on this channel.
It seems like I can only program it to TX frequencies that are available in the dropdown of the software but I can program it to any RX frequency.
Anyone has experience with this or am I out of luck making this combination work?