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Everything posted by Widowsson

  1. It’s working. Though I’m sure I would get a lot better results with a longer antenna. I wish they made one that could just be swapped out but I couldn’t find any. There are Alan screws holding the actual antenna rod in place. One would think you could just take the short one out and put a long one in and swap as necessary but I’m not seeing them sold individually.
  2. I bought everything I need to build a node for gmrs. Or so I thought. Here’s the one I got: AURSINC MMDVM Hotspot Board (V1.5.2) + Antenna Support UHF VHF Support P25 DMR YSF DSTAR NXDN POCSAG for Raspberry Pi-Zero W, Pi 3 Doea anyone know if this will work or do I need a RF only?
  3. Ok I understand. Thank you. However I did notice a huge difference after doing what I did. So maybe in the first attempt, I wasn’t making contact at all.
  4. Forgive my limited understanding of what you stated. Are you saying that I would get better reception if the antenna or base was not touching the body of the vehicle at all?
  5. Here’s what I have now. Not pretty but it’s working.
  6. I was going nuclear with sanding probably while you were typing that lol. Seems to be a whole lot better now. Thank you. In the attached pic, is this the proper way to test continuity. Just learning all of this stuff. Thank you for your help.
  7. Here is the way it was installed. I’m assuming I wasn’t grounding to the truck body. Seems like maybe I’m missing a washer? That silver washer with teeth, I don’t think that is gonna do the trick. Not sure what it’s for. I will sand and debur around the hole and use a washer this time. thanks
  8. So I did the installation. My reception is terrible. It is super static. I had better reception with the mag mount and get better reception with a baofeng uv5g with stock antenna. Not sure if I did something wrong of something is defective.
  9. Thank you! I’m out of reactions for the day so giving all my thanks verbally lol Seems like we could be allowed to have a few more reactions at our disposal…
  10. Noted. Thank you much!
  11. Awesome thanks!
  12. Thank you!
  13. Thank you very much! In the pic I’ve attached…obviously this end connects to the antenna, however it seems to be right angled and low profile. Also doesn’t look like it has screw threads. The antenna looks like it sits flush. If I drill a hole in the cab roof, factoring the headliner and insulation, will this actually make the connection or do I need some sort of adapter?
  14. I think im going to buy this antenna: HYS Long Range Pretuned Low-Profile UHF 17.7inchs Whip NMO 462-467Mhz Antenna for Midland Motorola GMRS Cobra Icom 460-470Mhz Two Way Mobile Radio I’m not sure what coax cable to buy. The listing says it connects to a magnetic base that is sold separately. I don’t want a magnetic base Im just going to drill a hole in my cab and connect it that way. Does anyone know what I should buy? Preferably a cable that has the connections already in place. Also, does this need to be grounded to the truck with a separate ground wire? Thanks If it matters, I plan to use this with a radioddity DB40G and sometimes with a baofeng uv5g or uv9g
  15. Ahh thanks For some reason I didn’t see this and can’t leave you a thanks but thanks
  16. I’ve run out of reactions for the day hahaha but thank you all. If I just set the Tone, and go into the radio menu, the R-CTCSS is not set but the T-CTCSS is. Hmm
  17. I’m programming some local repeaters to a Baofeng uv-9g with chirp. Trying to enter CTCSS codes. Using “Tone Mode”, “Tone”, and “Tone Squelch” options. I choose “Tone” in the Tone Mode dropdown and then set the tone to 141.3. I figured out this is for the TX CTCSS code however I’m not seeing a way to enter the RX CTCSS tones. When I select 141.3 as the tone squelch (which is what I assume is the RX CTCSS setting), it removes 141.3 under “Tone”.
  18. What do you know using the proper materials and the proper technique seemed to have worked lol thanks for the responses everyone By the way the antenna is BR1695
  19. Amphenol pl259. Oddly enough I almost did it right. I’m gonna go get the proper solder and flux. Thank you very much!
  20. The soldering iron the first time. Nothing the second. I was tempted to use the torch but didn’t want to melt the plastic. I was also reading that it didn’t need to be heated if it was properly fluxed. Lots of different opinions. What is the proper way?
  21. Thanks! I’ll try again because I definitely did not do it right It was the antenna for the gmrs repeater. I bought it from the repeater owner. It’s working, I can hear transmissions very well and I am heard very well, just there is lots of static in the background. However I am picking up quite a bit more traffic. I’ll post make and model tomorrow thanks
  22. Plumbcraft Soldering Paste. From a old toolbox I got somewhere along the way. Looks like it was made in 1962. I have a few different kinds of flux. Of course I didn’t check to see what the best to use would be. I feel like learning the hard way will teach me some valuable lessons for the future. So I can tell someone not to solder the connector on without first putting the screw part on, and then, even though forewarned, as was I, do it anyway.
  23. Also, it did seem like I wasn’t getting solder to flow. First time I ever soldered a pl259 or any electronics for that matter. I can solder copper pipes really well but obviously this is different. It seemed like the plastic middle piece was melting on my first attempt, and I hate to admit it but I didn’t put the screw part on first so had to cut that one off. Second attempt everything was fluxed but I tried it without heating up the connector too much.
  24. Could it be because I didn’t use u bolts. I do intend to get proper bolts but the ones the antenna came with, a couple nuts were stripped so I just screwed the antenna to a 2x4. I was just excited to get it in the air.
  25. Correct. Not sure the brand but he used it for the repeater before an upgrade. I don’t think it comes apart.
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