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  1. I'd also like to add a photo for reference. This is how I have it currently set up. this is without the 4' 2x4. I would think it would be a ground plane issue too, but i just don't know how to fix it.
  2. The antenna is a Tram 1477 Pre-Tuned 144MHz–148MHz VHF/430MHz–460MHz UHF Amateur Dual-Band Base Antenna. I got it on amazon. It does have the 3 metal ground plane probes at the bottom of it. The Radio is a TIDRADIO TD-H8 The type of coax cable is just what was installed with the old Direct TV satellite dish on my roof. I just cut it and used it because it already ran into the house to my desk. repeater is about 15 miles away from me to the North West, however there are two other repeaters that are further than that (about 20 miles) that are more to the north.
  3. Ok, so I cant figure this out. There is a repeater in my area and I've got all the tones correct and can hear it very clearly (every hour it automates the time and weather,) but it cant hear me. I'm using a 10W handheld connected to an antenna on my roof. So, I use a 2x4 piece of wood to extend my antenna like 4 extra feet. Now I can reach the repeater and people can hear me but it's not super clear, also, now I can no longer hear the repeater clearly at all. I miss like every other word of the time and weather report because of static. I then remove the 2x4 and put the antenna back to where it was, and the report is crystal clear, but still i'm unable to communicate with it. What is going on? why can i get better reception when the antenna is lower?
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