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  1. I have no idea how to change the request link or whatever, nor do I care. Especially when just about anything I type here gets taken the wrong way. The post above where I was asking questions was meant as to ponder the issues that arise when "gifting" my repeater, as was suggested. My repeater was listed here nearly 20 years ago because it was highly suggested to do so for coordination purposes, so other repeater owners in the area would know the frequency, tone, and location of repeaters already on the air before setting up their own. The listing went nearly 18 years before I started getting bombarded with requests, and that is why I started this thread called, "Why am I suddenly bombarded with requests on this website to use my almost useless 30 year old GMRS repeater?" So, if your intention was to try and be helpful, thank you. If your intention was to be snarky and drive a long-time GMRS licensee off this website, then you succeeded. Done.
  2. Then would they pay rent for my tower site? Or, would they expect free rent? Then, what about liability insurance, etc.? Would they expect me to overlook the liability insurance requirement that other tenants have to comply with? You see why this is a bit more complicated that just "gifting" the repeater to someone else. The only users this repeater was installed for are my wife and myself. Anyone else who uses it is a guest. But if it gets too clogged up or becomes a ragchew (HAM type chit-chat) repeater, then my wife won't monitor it, and it won't serve our purpose anymore.
  3. Thank you for the input. New info- Some of the users are hams, but I believe they are GMRS licensed as well. They all have 4x3 callsigns, and they seem to use the 3 numbers of their callsigns as their identifiers. I am being told that the main user is someone who was convicted of a serious crime against children and is therefore not eligible to be a licensee. So he uses a GMRS callsign that belongs to someone else and claims that person is his brother. Despite this information apparently being widely known, nobody seems to have a problem with it. Their check-in net got dozens of stations checking in last time I had to endure it. Anyway, back to my question... Since the repeater is at a tower site that I own, it technically doesn't cost me anything (except a couple dollars a month for power) to have it there. I could be a jerk and put my repeater in CSQ and walk away, but that isn't how I am. So, in my shoes, would you just leave it on and forget about it (ghost repeater)? Or pull the plug? One person above suggesting selling it all. What is a repeater and a bunch of Motorola portables worth these days? My guess is it isn't worth the hassle.
  4. My .650 GMRS repeater has been on the air continuously since 1995. Back then, you had to have the location on the license and apply to the FCC to move the repeater location, a lot like part 90. Times change, obviously. I don't remember when I registered my repeater on this website, but it was back when Doug Smith was still alive and extremely active. Pretty close to 15 years ago? In all that time, only got a couple of requests to use my repeater. But now, in the last 2 months, I'm getting craploads of requests on this website to use my single tone repeater. Honestly, it's been rendered pretty useless in my area anyway since some ham-like users have built a network of repeaters on the same freq as me, and they are on them constantly. Performing ham-like nets with check-ins, roundtables, ragchews for hours, etc. There are a couple of them with IDers that go off even when the frequency is already in use. It's become ridiculous. If my repeater was frequency agile, I'd move it. But Motorola MSY channel elements are scarce these days, and I don't have any way to program my ancient Motorola portables anymore. So, I'm stuck. The real question is, why am I suddenly getting bombarded with requests to use my repeater? Why NOW? After 30 years continuously on the air, I'm about ready to pull the plug on my repeater and walk away anyway. Should I yank it? Or just leave it on as a ghost repeater?
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