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Everything posted by 4x4le

  1. After using the power tuner, I get at least 8 watts everywhere, and over 10 watts in some frequencies, even uhf/gmrs frequencies. It does tend to shoot less than 10 watts on the repeater inputs though, which is disappointing. One point that is cool, is the low power mode can put out very low power, if you had a use case for that.
  2. Its in the package when you download the radios factory cps. Its called powertuner. Its on tidradios website
  3. I noticed my tdh8 not being as good as my other radios in fars.. I dont have a power meter but i ran the power tuner program and although it would not allow me to read, i heard hitting write did not require the password. Nothing really made me thing that it took, however it can hit repeaters that it couldn't before. Look into running that application.
  4. So i do now own a radio that has the ability to "remote waken" but the manual does not speak of it. It is an radiodiddy db-50. Same as an anytone 5888uv. I believe the gmrs equivalent is a radiodiddy db-40. I will be looking into the manuals for those radios to see if there is any mention of this on them. As far as what can "remote waken" it, it is 5 tone only, and none of my radios have 5 tone abilities besides the db-50. I also dont know what it means. It has where i can kill or stun it, and its possible that it just reverts it. What I hope it means is that it is listening on the frequency it was shut off last, or on a specified waken frequency and will power on when it gets the tones. It will take more time and tinkering.
  5. I have 2 uv5rs, but i dont see how to make them silent until they receive a 2 tone or 5 tone. I always thought 2 tone was another word for DTMF, I may be wrong though. I know how to dial dtmf, and even have it at the front or back or both of a transmission, but i dont know how to make them respond to anything DTMF. I thought they couldnt decode it.
  6. Thanks for the replies. Sorry I haven't came back, I figured I would get an email that said I had a reply. Yes, it seems that you all understand what I am wanting to do, I just have not had any success. The radios I currently have are gmrs uv5rs. In chirp they actually say they are radiodiddy uv5gs. I also have a tdh3 and a tdh8. I can not figure out how to get them to do a selective call on simplex, let alone try through a repeater. A mobile unit I am wanting to buy says it has 2 tone and 5 tone. It is not the unit that I would want to "wake up" but would be the unit I would have hopes of waking up another radio. Essentially, it does not need to be one I currently own. If it had that functionality it would be worth any cost. I guess I dont know what this feature is called because searching for it does not give me explicit results with what I'm looking for. I have tried searching for radios with remote wakeup, selective call, multiple squelch, DTMF squelch to name a few.
  7. I have been searching the web for a radio or set of radios that would suit my needs. I would like a radio that could monitor a repeater channel but remain silent until "something" activates it or breaks its squelch. I understand that it is what PL tones do, but repeaters already have an input and output set. So, I wonder if any radios allow for 2 different PL tones to be input simultaneously? I know that most gmrs radios seem to have DTMF capability to send, but they generally do not decode or make use of them on the receiving side. Once the radio wakes up, I don't mind if all repeater traffic comes across it, but in my situation, I would like for it to sit silently until it is "activated" or called. The receiving radio does not need to be a GMRS radio, as it only has to alert that a family member is trying to make contact. It could be a HAM radio or scanner. At that point, the contact can turn on a GMRS radio to complete the contact. I realize that the audio from a HT could probably be piped into an Arduino or a Raspberry Pi, and a DTMF decoder could be programmed to trigger an alarm, but I am guessing there are probably radios that have this functionality. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
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