Hello and thank you for reading!
I am a brand new user. I am attempting to communicate on a repeater using a Baofeng GM15 Pro. I am using the Radiodity CPS. I have verification that the repeater is receiving me, but I feel I am doing something wrong. I have programmed a second radio to the repeater, however the second radio is not receiving my transmission.
Repeater name: Central PA 600 out of Harrisburg PA
Freq: 426.600
Input and Output: 123.0 Hz
My steps: I created a DIY channel for the repeater on the Radiodity CPS. I entered the Freq correctly. I then entered the input under the RX QT/DQT and the output under the TX QT/DQT. I have not messed with any settings on the radio itself.
I turn the radio to the repeater channel, verify the repeater, talk again with my callsign and a "radio check", and nothing. the other radio I programmed does not receive it either.
I am BRAND NEW to this and I know that this is user error.
Any thoughts or ideas??
Thank you from WSDR451!!!!