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Everything posted by WSEE770

  1. Whether they are icoms, kenwoods, or baofengs, gmrs radios for the most part all use the same channels. Not much advantage is gained with a fancy radio in untrained hands. I loan out my radios for social outings, so they need to be durable and cheap in case of mishaps. I'll be fancy with my laptop though. Have a real one of those. alienware m16r2. When I get my technician ticket I'll look into getting something nicer for ham. But I'd wager that baofeng makes and sells far more radios than the fancy guys, and there is a reason for it.
  2. I just ended up sending back the gm21 for a uv9g, and they all work fine. Thanks for your help.
  3. I was talking about two seperate scenarios. The radios worked fine on simplex, but when the uv9gs were both set to 462.600, they seemed to have desensed. Now my problem is my gm21 is either not hitting 462.600, or is setup wrong. I've got the tone set to the correct one for t-ctcss for all my local repeaters, and I can hear the repeater morse identifiers, and I can transmit to the uv9gs on the same repeater channels, but people claim to not hear me on 462.600 from the gm21. I might send it back if when I go outside it cant hit towson. I don't need a color screen that bad, I just ordered it because it was on sale and could get here sooner than a uv9g.
  4. Ok. I just read about desensing. Makes sense. But now I have a problem with my new gm-21. I can hear the repeater, and I've programmed the right tones, but people can't hear me. The manual is of no use, and youtube has like one video on this radio since it's so new and it's from gadget talk youtube channel. He's great, but he didn't go into repeater programming for this unit, and the box didn't include a programming cable, so I will need to program on the unit itself. Does anyone have a baofeng gm21 and know how to program a repeater so I can get the tail squelch tone at the end of the transmission? That way I will know if I'm hitting it. I'm trying to hit towson, md from pasadena, md and can always hit it on my uv9g.
  5. I have two baofeng uv9g radios. I have programmed them both with the correct tones for all the repeaters in the area. I can transmit and receive on simplex between the two fine, and when using a repeater, I can work it just fine and talk and listen, but the other radio tuned to the same channel will not pick up that radio. Is there something I'm missing besides a more expensive radio? I took them both to six flags in bowie maryland and on simplex channel 1 they worked perfectly. I can work Towson repeater from most everywhere I go, but when I'm on repeaters these radios don't communicate with themselves, and I'd really like them to for use with my wife as intended.
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