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Everything posted by WSEH456

  1. This is a great idea!!! Just my $0.02.
  2. I am pretty darn new to the GMRS world. I would say first, figure out how you plan on using GMRS and why? I have seen on here the saying, GMRS is a bring your friends with you activity. The first thing I did was find GMRS Facebook groups specific to my area and read posts. Crazy enough there was a meet and greet at one of the local repeaters so, I was able to go meet folks in person, ask questions and make contacts. Fo me, GMRS serves two purposes: 1) SHTF communications with family and receive local information in that scenario and 2) make friends that share GMRS common interests. The 2 part has been achieved by learning which of the local repeaters have activity on them. Here in the Dallas / Fort Worth area the best one are the DAL600 or DAL REACT repeaters (great range on both since they sit on a tall building), there is a nightly round table at 2100 hrs Monday through Thursday on DAL600 and usually a lot of chatter leading up to that time. I also monitor KRUM575 because that covers more of the Fort Worth side of the metroplex and has a meetup at 2100 on Saturday. I found myself monitoring the standard 1-22, plus my programmed repeater channels more and more but, really only play with the simplex stuff with local friends given the terrain and structures around the house. Anyway, that's a new guy's take on the question for what it is worth. Brent - WSEH456
  3. Welcome! This is a great group with lots of help! Beware, GMRS is addictive, LOL.
  4. Hey Gregg. Best of luck with the hurricane. Stay safe. Brent
  5. I will start the meeting.... My name is Brent and I have a GMRS problem. I received my FCC license on 08/21/24 and it's 09/25/24, during this time I have purchased or obtained: (2) Baofeng UV-5G Plus Radios (the start to the addiction) (2) Baofeng UV-5RM Radios (2) Antennas - UT-72G and Comet 2X4SRNMO (1) Surecom SWR Meter Countless coax and radio connectors (1) Potluck / Meet & Greet at the KRUM 575 Repeater Tower (1) Midland MXT400 (given to me by an awesome fellow GMRS buddy) I have had frustrations, accomplishments, made new friends, new knowledge and simply put a lot of fun!
  6. Standard Windows go to...... Restart the computer! LOL I originally downloaded the UV-5RM Plus software by accident and got the Failure. I removed it from the computer and downloaded the actual UV-5RM software, installed and tried it then and got the Failure. I restarted the computer which cleaned the cache and tried it again and it Read the HT successfully. Thanks again gang! Brent
  7. It's the programming cable that came in the box. I find Port 3 in Device Manager which shows up in Settings in the program. When I hit the Read button, I see the screen change on the HT like it is communicating with with the computer, then get the Failure message. Using the UV-5RM program download from: Download - Baofeng (baofengradio.com)
  8. I installed what I think is the correct software (Baofeng_UV-5RM_CPS_20231124), selected the Port 3 and hit the Read button and get a Failure. I can see the computer connecting to the HT. Any thoughts or is there a newer version than that what is on the Baofeng website? Thanks, Brent
  9. I edited the original topic post, however, not sure if anyone will see the follow up question I had, please see below. I have been thinking about getting a vehicle antennae that I could plug my Baofeng UV-5G Plus handheld into while driving. However, I have no idea what all the components would be to do this. Obviously, an antennae, antennae mount, cable, possibly an amplifier and then some type of adapter to go from the coax to the handheld radio. Anybody have suggestions like on models / products? Greatly appreciate the help! Follow Up To Initial Topic I greatly appreciate all the information gang! The UT-72G with the magnetic mount with the adapters looks like a great way to go. I potentially have a problem with the magnetic mount. Ford seems to have fallen in love with aluminum on their trucks so may run into a problem as to where or how to mount the antennae. Please have a look at this alternative and let me know if this is a viable option: Amazon.com: Retevis GMRS Mobile Antenna, Heavy Duty Fiberglass GMRS Antenna, 6.5dB 462-467MHz,Mount Bracket,Spring Base with 16ft RG-58U Coaxial Cable,Compatible with Midland GMRS Radio Retevis RT97 RA86,43.3inch : Electronics Amazon.com: exgoofit UHF Female to SMA Male Female Adapter Pack-2Pcs Handheld Antenna Cable 6'' PL259 SO239 Connector for Amplifier, CB Radio Handheld Walkie Talkie Extension : Electronics Again. I greatly appreciate the help and input!
  10. I don't get it but, I plugged the cable in to the computer and handheld, went into the Device Manager and I found the connection under the USB connection. I was then able to turn on the handheld, read and write to the handheld. Crisis averted!!
  11. Windows 11 Home
  12. I downloaded the latest and greatest version of programming software from Baofeng for the UV-5G Plus. Opened the software, plugged in the USB cable to the computer and handheld radio, turned on the radio and went to Settings -> Port. The Port drop down is blank. Is there a sequence to making the connection, outside of common sense, or do I have a bad programming cable? Thanks, Brent - WSEH456
  13. I have downloaded the latest and greatest software for the UV-5G Plus. I connected the UUB cable to the computer and radio, however, when I look in Settings - Port, it's blank, nothing to choose. Is there a sequence to this or do I have a bad programming cable?
  14. That's fair! I am on a handheld radio with the standard 18" antenna and approximately 20 miles away from the repeater. There is another tower in Denton (Denton 600) that I am able to transmit and receive but I have to stand outside on one foot and with my aluminum foil hat. This tower is about the same distance from me so I figured I should be able to transmit the same. Making a great argument for why I need another radio but, mounted in my truck. I am going to tell her that WRXP381 told me I had to get it!
  15. Howdy all, From what I understand is that the Denton County 550 repeater in Krum, TX has a NET meeting on Saturday evenings at 2100. I have been able to receive but apparently not transmit. I have the right Tx tone set, nothing on Rx tone though. Is there something specific that I need to do, to be able to transmit and be apart of the chat on the NET? As a follow up to the second sentence...... do you have to have both the Tx and Rx tone? Thanks, Brent (WSEH456)
  16. Thank you everyone for all the great advice! I would like to get a permanent mobile unit in the near future for the truck but, was looking for a cheap alternative to play with in the mean time. I live near Roanoke, TX (actually more near Texas Motor Speedway) and there is a repeater tower in Denton, TX (Denton 600) with a stated radius of 60 miles. I am approximately 20 miles away. It has been hit or miss whether I can get someone to respond to a radio check with the 18" antennae. Granted there are hills, houses, etc.... between me and the tower so, I expect it to be difficult. The other Denton, TX repeater (Denton County 550) I have yet to get anyone at all to respond back and yes, I have the right tone. I feel like Robin Williams in RV trying to get a signal, LOL!!!! Ironically, we are full time RV'ers so it really hits home!
  17. I have been thinking about getting a vehicle antennae that I could plug my Baofeng UV-5G Plus handheld into while driving. However, I have no idea what all the components would be to do this. Obviously, an antennae, antennae mount, cable, possibly an amplifier and then some type of adapter to go from the coax to the handheld radio. Anybody have suggestions like on models / products? Greatly appreciate the help! Follow Up To Initial Topic I greatly appreciate all the information gang! The UT-72G with the magnetic mount with the adapters looks like a great way to go. I potentially have a problem with the magnetic mount. Ford seems to have fallen in love with aluminum on their trucks so may run into a problem as to where or how to mount the antennae. Please have a look at this alternative and let me know if this is a viable option: Amazon.com: Retevis GMRS Mobile Antenna, Heavy Duty Fiberglass GMRS Antenna, 6.5dB 462-467MHz,Mount Bracket,Spring Base with 16ft RG-58U Coaxial Cable,Compatible with Midland GMRS Radio Retevis RT97 RA86,43.3inch : Electronics Amazon.com: exgoofit UHF Female to SMA Male Female Adapter Pack-2Pcs Handheld Antenna Cable 6'' PL259 SO239 Connector for Amplifier, CB Radio Handheld Walkie Talkie Extension : Electronics Again. I greatly appreciate the help and input!
  18. It seemed to work better at night, lots more chatter and was able to communicate crystal clear with a user a mile from the repeater. I will be monitoring today to see what happens today.
  19. Quick follow up. SUCCESS! I was able to reach the Denton 600 repeater last night! This GMRS stuff is really cool.
  20. This is north Texas, we have rolling hills and cows with the ranchers selling off land to developers. I will play with it and see what happens. I have tried a radio check and get crickets. Thank you again for the help.
  21. Okay, this is going to sound completely stupid. The UV-5G Plus at 5 Watts range is obviously limited. The Repeater that I am trying to connect with is 20 miles away, yet the coverage radius of the Repeater is approximately 50 miles. So I am in the Repeater proximity but, do I have to be within range of the UV-5G Plus to the tower to transmit to the tower to get the coverage? Or being in the proximity range of the tower actually transmit to the tower. I am sure this makes no sense....... Brent
  22. Thank you very much. I am sure I will have many more questions. Great website and forum! Brent
  23. First off, your videos are absolutely awesome! I crack up and learn a lot every time I watch your videos. Can't believe I am typing the legend!!! The selection D624N is the same as 624 DPL in the T-DCS? PS - Your T-shirts are the BEST! Brent
  24. Hey gang. I am 24 hours new to the GMRS world and need some help, actually probably a lot of help but, we will start small. I have a Baofeng UV-5G Plus and I am trying to connect to a local repeater: Denton 600 Frequency: 462.600 Tone: 624 DPL Height: 500′ I am on Repeater channel 25 which is 462.600 and I have gone through the menu on the channel and scrolled through the T-DCS and T-CTCSS and don't see 624 DPL as a selection. From what I gather, all I have to do is go to the corresponding channel to the frequency and enter the tone and I am off to the races but, definitely not seeing the 624 DPL anywhere. Is there something else I need to flip or push prior? Thank you in advance, Brent WSEH456
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