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Everything posted by WSEG508

  1. ok ur right i guess i learned today. and that answers my ?. So i feel like it was a waste of $35 dollars, and shoulda did more research before getting the license.
  2. nope not frs, gmrs channel 20 mount laurel nj resturant, gmrs channel 21 (repeater) tow company, gmrs channel 17 lawn company and warehouse, gmrs 18 car dealer mechanical shop by the truck stop of exit 7 turnpike. channel 17 gmrs in freehold nj tow company. But maybe i have figured out something, the gmrs/frs channel list on chirp is wrong so i have redone my channels and will see. file>open stock config>us frs and gmrs channels.csv
  3. ok my rant of the day. If every lawn mowing, tow truck driving, restaurant wait staff, and a car dealer can use gmrs channels, then why did i bother getting a license? i drive from central jersey to south jersey (just across river from philly) and that what i get on my driver. So why be scared of using a gmrs radio or ham radio, fcc dont care. Oh and if u look at the map theres three repeaters if u follow 195 to turnpike south, tow company using those all day.
  4. lol ok thanks man
  5. Anyone ever dealt with townhall about getting permission to have a repeater on a radio tower, owned by the town. i live near firehouse and they have a huge tower, so i was thinking if i could get a repeater there it would benefit the town. Thanks ahead of time.
  6. ok thanks, my son is getting ready to start training as a pilot so i wanna listen in. Any who thanks for the info.
  7. is there a gmrs mobile radio that has air frequencies to listen to?
  8. If you come thru Jersey on turnpike and I-195 hit me up on Ch. 19
  9. All the people saying just get a ham license, are missing the point. If we wanted a ham license we would get one but we chose gmrs. i dont care to have to study to get a license for ham or wish to spend the $$$$ for new equipment. Its kinda crazy in 2024 you have to take a test for a basic ham license any way, thats why people choose gmrs. Pay a fee start talking. If i want more range i got a CB. The FCC making people shut the link repeaters down is terrible. Well thats my rant on the subject.
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