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Everything posted by TonyAldo

  1. If you right click on the software and run as admin, then you can change your com port. I believe this is a permissions issue.
  2. Interesting I had the same problem today. Key up, talk, tail end of the repeater blip. I turn on my other GMRS to the same repeater and I don't hear my self, I just hear the repeater tail end. It is just a matter of being a weak signal and out of sight? Supposedly this repeater has a 13 mile radius and I was maybe 8 miles away. Is the fix to get a better antenna?
  3. Like the MTX115 what if you don't have a scan feature? It's just a matter of trial and error I guess. Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk
  4. There are a few repeaters in my area but I can't find any of the info on them on here. So I'm trying to do the right thing and ask for permission. I'd like to chime in on the repeater and ask. I have a MTX115 and a GMRS-V1. The GMRS-V1 lets me scan for the used codes. But How can I tell if a repeater is using either or?
  5. The 6dB antenna it is then. Thank you.
  6. I've finally went out and got my self a starter radio. But looking at that tiny antenna they ship with the radio .. I feel the need to upgrade. I'm going to go with the Midland NMO mag mount. But I'm not sure what antenna to go with. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you.
  7. Welcome! I'm also a newbie with the same radio.
  8. Thanks. Yea I can see how it would cost a bunch of money and you have to police the idiots some how. But membership fees..I don't know how I feel about that.
  9. I'm pretty new to GMRS and I've been dabbling with it on and off. Many of the repeaters near me or what I can here are "private" . I'm curious as to why? Which leads me to my 2nd question. Do I have to be a member to all these repeaters to be able to transmit?
  10. What antenna do you have?
  11. You hit the nail on the head right there. I'm looking to have fun, chat on a few repeaters. Maybe get my son into the hobby. I'll look into the M1225, thank you guys for the suggestions. Preferably I'd want something I can turn on, program, and get going ..for now that is. So when Midland advertises repeater access in their MTX lines, that's not fully true?
  12. Hey new guy here. I'm looking at a few radio's right now. I decided to get my license after have some fun on CB. I'm curious as to what radio's you guys are using, so I can get an idea of what to get. I'm looking at the MTX115.
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