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Rulander last won the day on September 15 2024

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  1. Hmm...not sure what's wrong. They're showing when I open the thread. Is there another way to post pics beside the "add files" in the reply box?
  2. On my post?
  3. My old stuff from the 80's. The emergency CB kit has never been used. The others are in mint condition and they all work perfect.
  4. I've got around 4 or 5 vintage handheld Realistic radios. 1 or 2 are CB radios, and the others use CB crystals for channels but are limited to 3 channels, so they were considered walkies. I'll have to dig them out and take photos to post.
  5. Yes sir, i was able to talk to that one repeater that is approx 40 miles away just fine.
  6. I just picked up some traffic on one of the repeaters and did a tone scan. It appears that the original tone for that repeater hasn't changed. I just can't figure out why it's listed as no tone. Also, what is a network of repeaters? Not trying to sound dumb, I just don't understand a lot of this as of yet.
  7. They're all open status. No permission required.
  8. Yeah, I'm not sure. Each listing says input tone "none", and output tone "none". Just curious if that's common, or if not, why would it be listed as such
  9. So my county, and 4 other surrounding counties repeaters have been off the map for a month or so. Today, I opened the map and they're all back on. However, they are all listed with no tones, as opposed to the tones they had before. All have the same owner, and are stated as being a part of a network. I'm fairly new to this so I have no idea what that means, or why you would have a repeater with no privacy tones. This is South West of Fort Worth by the way.
  10. Thank you sir
  11. I'm programming one of my HT's to monitor the local UHF/VHF frequencies that are listed on RR. Since I won't be transmitting, can I just program the frequency alone? Or do I still need to program the offset and PL tone too?
  12. I believe that is the answer he was looking for. I was thinking tone was what he was asking. There goes my newb-ness showing
  13. I'm new to this a bit, but I believe that if there is only an output freq listed, then the input will be the same. I usually just add the TX freq and call it good.
  14. It doesn't have much fall, maybe 2 inches. All of the higher elements of the roof are composite shingles. Only the porch roof is metal. If I decide for sure that I want this to be a base station, I'd definitely get a better set up. I was basically doing a trial run. Was just expecting better results. I do have a 20' mast laying around somewhere that I used for CB many years ago. I suppose I can erect it again and get a better antenna. I just wasn't sure if I was overlooking something with this temporary setup that would help. I suppose it's as good as it going to be as is.
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