Hey all, I've long had intentions to setup a GMRS repeater but living situations were not stable. Earlier this year we finally bought a home, and are in West Olive. I would like to get input from y'all on an antenna, and eventually what repeater channel/tones would be best.
Antenna related: The only way I'll be able to get any height is sticking it up in a tree behind the house. We are somewhat restricted from antennas here, but I can get away with one back there. So please keep that in mind when recommending one. Also, I know there are some types of coax not suitable for repeater use, could use a recommendation there as well.
Repeater related: I will likely be using Kenwood TK880s to build it. I cannot afford a proper, hardcore repeater. But I am a fan of the TK-890 and would like to stick to Kenwood for the important stuff. Would a TK880 setup be worthwhile and effective over here? Seems like the only repeater listed over here on the coast is the Muskegon one thats private. I'd like to get better coverage along US31. Also, I recall hearing something about repeater linking on GMRS being shot down recently, would I be able to setup my repeater to be a part of the existing WM GMRS system, or would it just have to be a stand alone deal?
Another possibility I have considered, is there is a HAM repeater somewhere here in West Olive and I considered reaching out to them to see if they would allow me to setup with them and use their tower. But for now I would like to get something going at the house.