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WRCP828 last won the day on March 11 2019

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  1. Thank you for your poignant reply.
  2. Thanks. He told me the questions were of a personal nature, not what one would be asked when making a payment on-line. he said he felt it was very suspicious. That is all I know.
  3. I have a friend (about 1k miles away) who has been unsuccessful making an on-line payment with the FCC to get his GMRS license. As background he has a ham ticket and is very computer smart. When asked for payment, he is taken to a screen that appears to ask for too much unusual information (beyond just normal info for on-line payments). He prefers to pay on-line versus by mailing a check. He has tried different PCs, but same issue. Has anyone encountered this? Thanks and 73s. Pete
  4. Can we converse on GMRS via the internet like Echolink for Hams?
  5. No balcony. Nice story!
  6. All excellent advice. For the time will stick with a mag mount on cookie sheet close to window running 5 watts.
  7. Any suggestions what works well in limited space areas? Using mag mount now. Thanks. Pete
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