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Everything posted by RogerSpendlove

  1. I just installed the MyGMRS Ap on my iPhone (running iOS 18.1.1). When I try to log-in using the exact same credentials as I use to log-in to this website, it tells me "The credentials you have provided are incorrect. Please try again." Anyone have any idea why this is happening? Do I have to set-up an entirely different account to use the ap? Thanks for your help!
  2. Writing as a newbie to radios, I definitely sought a book to educate myself on how they work and how I can implement them in what I want to do. I looked at the plethora of "Baofeng" books on Amazon and was put-off by their back-woods prepper mentality. Also, from reading their sample chapters, I found most of their writing style/competency was very low, and chapter lists revealed tons of repetition. I settled on "The New Operator's Guide to GMRS" by Jim Mohan, which I found very helpful. Yet, in this very slim volume, there were redundant sections, and several chapters I found useless (by the time a newbie is buying a book, he's not needing help determining if GMRS is right for me; also didn't need instruction on applying for the license--that's way too convoluted to be covered in a book). Even as a newbie, it was almost too basic and broad. I have watched lots of YouTube videos. Those from BuyTwoWayRadios.com and Jim Mohan were pretty helpful. But most of the others I've stumbled upon (HamRadioforNonTechies, HamRadioCrashCourse) I found to be tedious and unhelpful. Like 90% of all YouTubers, they're just a guy in front of a greenscreened cool /fake background, sitting there and blathering into the camera unscripted. A 20 minute video contains maybe 1.5 minutes of actual information. I wish I could find some truly helpful videos, where the author planned out a script of educational information to convey, delivered it, used video to SHOW (diagrams, illustrations, charts, etc.) and not just TELL. Have you all here in MyGMRS found any videos like that you'd recommend? (BTW, I've come to the conclusion that Ham is not for me -- GMRS is what I need). Thanks!
  3. Thank you all for your responses! They've been most helpful. I'm traveling to / camping in the area of this repeater this weekend, so I'll get to find out if I've programmed my HTs properly. But if not, you'all have armed me with the understanding to probably correct it!
  4. Never mind! I didn't see Socalgmrs's reply above!
  5. Thank you for answering! Do you happen to know what is the difference between the 'N' and the 'I' options? I see both in the programming software, but in the transceiver itself, only the N options appear.
  6. A repeater I'm wanting to connect to is listed as having Input Tone "265 DPL," but this doesn't match any of the options in my Radiodity GM-30 (actually a Baifeng GM-15) software. The options I see are "D265N" and "D264I." Which one should I use? And should I enter this my my transceiver's Rx DCS or its Rx CTCSS?
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