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Everything posted by WRKS933

  1. Think I may have put myself on the coreect path here... Thanks! hope I figure this one out.
  2. "other book web site" ??
  3. I constantly hear clear loud traffic on rpt 462.7000. In listening to it for sveral weeks I learned the repeater is right next to the UPS hub in Longwood, FL. Well.... I'm in Longwood but this repeater is not lited in mygmrs.com!! How can I find it? I'm looking for permission and CTST. Does Anyone know abouthis channel? It may be refered to as Orlando 700. Thanks, Jim
  4. On the repeater info here on mygmrs.com.... Is the tone next to the little box with an arrow pointing into it...... the tone I enter in my radio as the CTST Rx or Tx? Sorry. I couldn't decide if that arrow meant what the Repeater was sending out to my radio or what the Repeater wanted to hear FROM my radio.
  5. @Socalgmrs yep, mine came with ABBREE AR-771. Big difference from stock antenna.
  6. Yep I'm a newbie. Very new. I do have fun with SDR ( Listening to seminole county P25 system, looking at near by TPMS info, Someones weather station somewhere, and a door sensor somewhere open/close, etc etc) I really like the idea of GMRS. I picked up two cheapy cheapy Baofeng GM-15 pros. they get about 2- 2.8 miles around the here. I have attempted to setup repeater info on three repeaters, but I think I'm to far away for any of them to pick me up. But hey! Howdy to everyone from Seminole COunty Florida! Jim
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