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WSEZ526's Achievements

  1. Educated! Thanks so much for the kind replies. I'm on my way!
  2. First, Thank you for your help. I'm brand new to GMRS with no radio background. I've learned and have been able to connect to a local repeater. Before sending a message I'm leery about causing frustration to the repeater owner as well as others. The owner has a few rules to make use more enjoyable for all. These are their words and the bolded areas are the areas I don't know what it means. 1. Please use polite communications protocols (no fowl language, etc.) at all times, and ID with your GMRS callsign as required (IE: whenever keying the repeater, when making/ending a conversation and every 15 minutes during any lengthy conversations). 2. If your radio has any ANI, MDC or other transmitted tones other than PL/CTCSS (especially those "FRS" warble tones) PLEASE TURN THEM OFF! Very annoying to hear that on a repeater, as they serve no purpose whatsoever. The repeater already has a courtesy tone at the end of every transmission, so no other tones are needed or welcome. Please teach me. I have a rugged radio hand held gmr2 plus, if that matters.
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