I'm hoping to verify my understanding of an issue that I have had a hard time tracking down an answer to. Our family uses gmrs HTs to communicate while in the mountains together, often while skiing. We have generally had good luck staying in range of each other, but I have thought from time to time of setting up a retevis (or the new midland) repeater down in my car in the parking lot at the base of the mountain with a mobile antenna, with the idea that it might increase coverage for the group up on the mountain that from time to time might have better line of site to the base of the mountain than to each other (and it would be a good excuse to buy more gear/fiddle around a bit).
However, I think that if I switched our HTs to be on this new mobile repeater channel, the HTs would not communicate with each other locally while out of range of the repeater? In other words, an HT would transmit to the repeater and the other HTs in our group that aren't able to connect to the repeater would not receive that local transmission? Have I got that right?