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About WhiskeyHusky

  • Birthday 09/20/2005

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    Palm Bay, Florida

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  1. I've seen it on the site but since it says offline I haven't tried. It would definitely be the perfect repeater for around this area too. Is it still functioning or was this a complete in-the-dark question? I can most certainly program it and listen for a bit.
  2. Just bought a few longer hand held antennas which should hopefully help (Abree 42.5 inch) and a truck mag mounted antenna (~16.5in amazon wack) while I'm definitely trying to get my friend groups into the hobby, its hard convincing a bunch of relatively normal people to spend about a hundred on radio stuffs because it's cool XD. What I'd hope for is being able to eventually check in with those friends when I'm driving to and fro work, but the base station and antenna manufacturing will definitely be a few paychecks later.
  3. Been trying to look, but as most things (funnily enough) they all go around this place. (Jacksonville, Orlando, West Palm all have groups but very small I think, not able to find much info.)
  4. Used a bunch of open system local repeaters, just didn't manage to catch anyone on. I know the more localized use, but with repeaters it should be far longer distance than using my CB; plus I definitely need somewhere to start to set up a group or emergency comms before next hurricane season on something simple. The price and learning curve is also keeping me away from ham, though I'm starting to study, I needed something to do in the meantime between dying at work and dying at work #2.
  5. After a few hours of research and trying to listen for radio frequencies I haven't been able to find anyone in East Central Florida to talk to. I'd like to be able to test my radio's range and the repeaters nearby, but also to share information with people I can actually meet up with from time to time to help with setups. Since I saw no specific posts for it, I thought I'd give it a go; Fill the comments! (please)
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