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Everything posted by priller

  1. Excellent feedback, thank you kindly!
  2. Thanks all! Really appreciate the feedback.
  3. Very nice! Yeah that might be an option for me too. Thank you, second time I’ve heard of the Laird antennas.
  4. Thanks for the feedback! I’m thinking the slimjim might be the ticket, I even have that same base station in play. I have a lot to learn, do I need to ground the j-pole Or slim Jim?
  5. Hey folks! Trying to figure out best option for indoor GMRS antenna. Initially unimpressed by some cheap 70cm whips on mag mount (not specifically tuned for 462-467) Put them in window sill on cookie sheet, and barely any improvement over standard whip antenna on HT. Anyone out there running indoor GMRS antenna to HT or base station? Would one of the tuned fiberglass antennas on Amazon be effective from indoors? thanks all!
  6. Understood, thank you!
  7. Extremely helpful thanks you again!!!!!
  8. Yep you are right, it's not a net, just chatting on repeater. I think I confused myself at first thinking it was just local simplex. I'm sure once I make first GMRS contact things will make a bit more sense. I'm trying to use https://mygmrs.com/repeater/4438 as it should cover my location. Should be simple enough to reach and use correct tone, but I haven't been able to confirm with contact or squelch tail yet. Will keep trying. I'm just a noob with HT, but having fun. Thanks for the help
  9. Thanks Steve, I guess I was confusing myself between all of the listings on RadioReference, whether those are repeaters or just chat 'nets. I've been listening to plenty of ham chatter (I'm not licensed yet on amateur), but yet to make GMRS contacts. Having a lot of fun trying to figure it all out. Thanks again
  10. Morning all, can I get a sanity check on local freqs/tones/repeaters/nets? https://www.radioreference.com/db/browse/ctid/1946/ham Using this as reference point, for the GMRS freq at bottom of page. That's not a repeater right? That's just a freq+tone to use? Same question for the Amateur bands listed in that link? I need a GMRS Elmer to help me figure this all out haha. Have a good day folks.
  11. Thank you SoCal and WayOver!
  12. Silly question here, for a typical duplex repeater, do I need to program Tx and Rx tones into radio?
  13. Yep, you are right! Will do that as soon as I get home, I messed up today and didn't bring radio to work with me
  14. Thanks for the info David, is this net and repeater still active today in late '24? I'm in Charlotte area and looking to make new contacts and explore the hobby. Thanks!
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