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Everything posted by stoutryan

  1. Thats what I was thinking too but thought I would ask the people with more experience.
  2. I just moved from Texas To Oregon for a few months and would love to know if you are aware of any linked networks between the two!
  3. They cant reach the repeater. They will be monitoring 462
  4. Using UV-8 with upgraded antennas. I think the main issue is the terrain between us during the times apart. I'm on the south side of a peninsula and they are on the north with a large rise in the middle that we have to overcome. Also... The more I think through this I shouldnt have to technically change my channels. If I keep my RX turned off I can simply use the repeater for outbound traffic and then monitor the non toned traffic which is VERY little to none other than us talking.
  5. Good afternoon community. I have been asking a few questions in a related thread but I dont want to hijack someone and Steve (very helpful) has been great. All that being said I would like to confirm my understanding of a use case as it relates to the use of a repeater. I have a series of radios but for this case we will be discussing a UV handhelds I have a repeater in the area that I am confirmed I can connect to. My family is often ~2.5 miles away from me and we have spotty reception when going HH to HH and I would like to be able to communicate with them in an emergency. Their HH cannot adequately connect to the repeater. Ok...... Now that all thats been covered. Am I correct in my understanding that in a scenario where I need to get information to them I could connect to said repeater and as long as their radio has RX and TX tones set to off THEY can hear ME. I would then be able to communicate one way to them until I get closer to their unit at which time I can switch to the same NO TX/RX tones and we can then have bilateral comms via HH. I believe I said that in a way that makes sense but please let me know if clarification is needed and thank you in advance for the help! Ryan, Portland OR. WRDL532
  6. Does this methodology work the same for digital tones?
  7. Thats definitely where my confusion was. Thank you!
  8. Steve, First off thank you for the response. I think this is where I may have a bit of confusion. If the repeater has RX and TX tones wouldn't removing the R-CTCSS mean that I would NOT be able to hear the response from the repeater since its sending a tone out with it?
  9. I'm definitely hitting the repeater. I'm pretty close with line of sight and using a vehicle mounted higher output unit vs. a handheld. I did however have the second (handheld) radio pretty close when doing my testing so as Steve said I may be desense. Thank you both for your responses. more testing coming today since the rain seems like its going to be incessant
  10. I too am having issues setting up to a repeater. The data I have is the repeater freq is 462.700 RX and TX tone is 210.7 but once I input that data into two radios I cant seem to communicate and I know I am doing something wrong. What I have done is; created T-CTCSS of 210.7 And R-CTCSS of 210.7 Can anyone tell me if these settings are correct. I'm using a midland unit that has the repeater channels already in so its an offset of +5 Any help here would be greatly appreciated
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