Hey Guys, sorry for the newb topic but Im struggling to make sense of simplex/repeater frequencies. I purchased the midland GXT1000, and also the MXT400. I am trying to use them to communicate with my wife while I am at work. I cannot for the life of me figure out the repeater channels, or if I even have access to the repeater channels or if I am only simplex. I'de like to just be simplex, but from what I am understanding channels 15-22 are repeater channels. However the GXT1000's do not support repeater channels. At least that is what I have read. So can I use channels 15-22 as simplex without going through a repeater and use the full 50watts? Or are those channels in deed repeater channels and I need to request permission to use them? Right now I am sticking with channels 1-7 but I'de like to be able to use more power to transmit further range. Hope this question makes sense. I have been researching for days now and I cannot find a concrete answer for my situation. Do you guys have any recommendations? Thanks Josh