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Posts posted by jjohns39

  1. Thank you guys for the help and clearing this up. So what I am understanding from your first comment Elkhunter is all I'll need to do is set the MXT400 to simplex and I'll be good to go corresponding between my two radios. Im not sure why I couldn't find this info elsewhere but I really appreciate the help. I'm learning this bit by bit, working on getting my technicians license. This was much more in depth than I ever imagined. 


    Thanks guys!

  2. Hey Guys, 


    sorry for the newb topic but Im struggling to make sense of simplex/repeater frequencies. I purchased the midland GXT1000, and also the MXT400. I am trying to use them to communicate with my wife while I am at work. I cannot for the life of me figure out the repeater channels, or if I even have access to the repeater channels or if I am only simplex. I'de like to just be simplex, but from what I am understanding channels 15-22 are repeater channels. However the GXT1000's do not support repeater channels. At least that is what I have read. So can I use channels 15-22 as simplex without going through a repeater and use the full 50watts? Or are those channels in deed repeater channels and I need to request permission to use them? Right now I am sticking with channels 1-7 but I'de like to be able to use more power to transmit further range. Hope this question makes sense. I have been researching for days now and I cannot find a concrete answer for my situation. Do you guys have any recommendations?




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