I've used the blister pack FRS radios for a long time for vehicle to vehicle communication on multi-vehicle road trips. Just recently decided I wanted, or thought I wanted, to move away from the FRS world and into the GMRS radio world. Grabbed my license, grabbed some BAOFENG UV-5G (UV-5X) radios off Amazon. Felt pretty good about the whole thing, watched a bunch of YouTube videos to kind of understand the radios and features etc.
Jump forward to this weekend and my first road trip, talked my friend into a GMRS license before the trip, so handed out my shiny new GRMS radios, hopped in our cars, fired off a radio check and womp womp... the quality is awful... Only a few hundred feet from each other and transmits are weak and choppy from either handset. I had a set of long high gain antennas in the box I didn't think would be needed but we tried them, but it made no difference. I can hear others very clearly, I can hear repeaters very clearly, just not my radios for some reason.
Before I write these radios off and junk and throw them in the ecycle pile, is there something my novice self is just missing here?
The pile of cheap FRS radios I have work great vehicle to vehicle, I would have expected (maybe wrongly) that GRMS would have worked similarly up close but would have had added better range and the ability to use repeaters if needed.