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Everything posted by WSFP960

  1. Hello everyone. I am new here and I am just getting comfortable using this site. I have a question about completing my profile. The website shows my profile a 0% completed. When I click on the button to complete my profile the very first screen that comes up has two info fields. The first is my GRMS call sign, the second is my Ham license #. I do not fill in the ham license because I do not have a ham license. It has a skip this step feature and a continue feature. Both buttons drop me out of the profile info page, and return me to the last age I was on. I do not have a ham license and because of this I can't complete my profile here? I am a simple guy so if I am missing something it would be greatly appreciated if I could figure out how to continue. I am using this site on my Windows Surface Pro with Windows 11 installed. any help would be welcome. I did several searches of the forums before I posted so I apologize if this is a redundant question. Wsfp960
  2. Saying hello. I am very new to radios. I have gotten a few Baofeng UV-5G plus as well as a couple UV-5R units. I will start working on my ham license after the holidays. I look forward to talking to and learning this new hobby. I got into it just to be able to use communications in the event of a SHTF situation. I would not consider myself a prepper. I do like to be prepared though. Anyway hello and here is a picture of one of my radios.
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