I hooked up my new GMRS radio in my 2020 Sierra a few weeks ago. For the first week it was good, clear audio and communication. A few days ago I hopped on a local repeater net and it was nothing but static during receive (and transmission I found out.) I decided maybe it was my location at home, so I went to drive around. The static got worse, almost like a whirling static that matched the vehicle's speed. Only seemed to clear up when I was stopped or parked. I have the radio wired to the positive on the battery and a ground post on the frame. The antenna is the stock 1/4 wave antenna with mag mount that came with the radio. Any suggestions on clearing this up? I purchased ferrite clips on Amazon to see if that will help. I was wondering if I should maybe hook up the negative to the battery as well or maybe moving the antenna. It seems like it happened after it rained recently... Thank you in advance!