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  • Name
    Mark E
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  • Location
    North Stafford, Va

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  1. Today at approximately 12:30-1:15 PM, I was testing 3 radios: Baofeng UV-5G with a Diamond 771 antenna - I got beeps as a reply (I usually do) Tidradio H3 - I tried with the factory & Diamond 771 antennas - I didn't get the beep reply Retevis/Ailunce H1AG - stock antenna - I didn't get the beep reply I double checked all the CTCSS Rx & Tx freq on each radio- they were correct. And I I could hear myself on the other radios I ran these test pretty quickly, one after another. Does the beep/data burst/morse code stop for some time after getting my first transmission?
  2. OK, I joined!
  3. While my neighbor and I have radios (he just got his GMRS license), I'm not sure anyone else in my locale does. I have a total of 4 handheld GMRS radios. Maybe my next step to set up a more powerful home base station or set up a vehicle as a mobile base station.
  4. I'm rather new to radios, but this is exactly what I am looking to do! I only have handheld radios and if Vista Woods goes out, I only have about 1-2 mile range where I am near the 2nd Wawa off of Garrisonville.
  5. I saw your other post. Love it!
  6. I updated to a Diamond SRJ77CA antenna and now when I transmit, I get a morse code response! I did it twice & each time I got beeps a few seconds after my transmission.
  7. Thanks 281 - I'm around 2 miles E of it. My input & output tones are right (unless Baofeng messed up how tones are set up on my radio) I'll hope to connect with you at 6:00 on both 17/.600 and 25/.600
  8. Hi - has anyone heard any of my transmissions? I've been doing radio checks mostly in the evenings. I picked up a Nagoya 771G and will test it at about 6:00 tonight.
  9. Thanks @WSDH649 - I tried to transmit a couple times at around 7:15 PM - but not sure anyone heard me. My transmit frequency is correct per the the uplink freq on MyGMRS. Maybe I'm not reaching you? I'm about 2 miles east of your repeater in a wooded area and neighborhoods in-between.
  10. I just bought an inexpensive Baofeng to get myself started, and my FCC GMRS license and I'm looking for a group to help me learn a bit more than me watching endless YouTube videos. For example, after joining RepeaterBook & MyGMRS, I set up the T & R CTCSS frequencies, then tried to do a channel check - I think I successfully sent, but all I heard back was static. Do I need approval to use the repeater? (And sorry for not getting it first!) Or did I set my radio channel incorrectly?
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