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  1. From one newbee to another, jump on in, the water is fine. I've been peeking around here and noticed the the folks are very helpful.
  2. Thanks for the welcome Corey. I am in Kewanee IL - 1/2 between Peoria and the Quad Cities. Closest repeater looks to be in Aledo, about 40 to the west of me.
  3. I want to say hello to everybody and let you know that I will spend more time looking around than posting. Former Cable TV Tech in the 70's, ham radio in the early 90's (big into APRS) and now retired to the corn fields of NW Illinois. I know just enough about antennas, cable and electronics to make me dangerous. Getting into GMRS so my wife can keep track of me without using the phone. (Anybody remember when cell phone service was cheaper than a landline phone)
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