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Everything posted by WSAD744

  1. This was made for the Rt-97 repeater series, It said something about it in the comments.
  2. Does this record the audio and then transmit the recording? If so it's not really what I want. I have a cheap little repeater that links 2 HT's together through the Kenwood ports into the repeater relay. But Its range is terrible, and I can't get any audio into it if im not directly in its view. Im thinking of upgrading to the RT-97 and offering to set it up near the local HAM repeater, or setup a tower in the yard if that fails. This summer probably will be the time I become a HAM. But I still want to involve GMRS aswell. I'll look into what you have tho, thanks for the recommendation. Anything else yk would be appreciated.
  3. I thought so, I plan on buying a RT97 and buying the RepeaterID.com identifier but little out of the price range for a 15 year old..
  4. I thought that the repeater was supposed to ID aswell as the people using it aswell?
  5. Hello, Im using a HT repeater for my area, it's a very small down. less than 10 miles. And I want to make my repeater have an CW identifier, since I have school daily. My question is, is there a type of program that I can upload an MP3 or WAV file or things of that nature to it, and it will play it every 10 minutes. I understand it only needs to be played if there's activity every 10 minutes but id rather it ident every 10. I have looked a lot and have failed to find anything. If anyone knows anything It would be much appreciated. Im using a MAC so if it isn't Mac friendly it sadly won't work. Konnor, WSAD744
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