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Everything posted by WSHE504

  1. Oh I’ll be falling down that rabbit hole soon. I already see the limit of a basic GMRS radio having to be configured each time you want to communicate on a specific repeater especially if they’re all 20 but different tones. This will do for now, but I’ll be looking up new radios very soon. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Yeah, it was the tones. Friendly bunch on Channel 20, always introducing each other and saying hi to the new guys. But I don’t know which repeater they were on. I’m on the REACT 20 repeater now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Yep, the tones and confusion of who can use what repeaters are where I was stumped. Lots of research to do! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Thank you @WSEH456. First successful contact made on the REACT repeater. @nokones,no issues with Midland equipment and quality of transmission today. I was near midway / 635. But I’m sure I’ll fall down this rabbit hole and get some better equipment as I keep exploring. I appreciate your insight, everybody. Looking forward to getting deeper into this field.
  5. I see a few channel 20 repeaters in Dallas TX but one is restricted and the other is REACT.
  6. @OffRoaderX, that’s part of my confusion. If I set it to non repeater 20, I still pickup the repeater 20 chatter?
  7. I’m new to the GMRS world. I’ve been running CB since i was old enough to drive but recently picked up a Midland M275 15-watt. I’ve scanned the channels without the repeater option on and off and hear lots of chatter but can’t get a single radio check. I’ve enabled the repeater option and move to RP 20 still with no luck. The details around who can use which repeaters is vague. I’ve used this radio to communicate with our handheld GMRS radios on channel 20 with no issues. Anybody have a “welcome to GMRS, n00bie” manual to figure out what I’m doing wrong? 2024 Chevrolet Silverado MicroMobile® GMRS 15-Watt Two-Way Radio - MXT275 MicroMobile® Antenna NMO Mag Mount - MXTA12 MicroMobile® Ghost 3dB Gain NMO Antenna - MXTA25
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