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Everything posted by WSHI722

  1. How are you 504! I'm Tony in Fort Worth and I just got my radio and I can totally understand your frustration lol no seriously' I'm new at this all the way. Bought my radio for my security work and i wanted to chit chat on the off time. To hopefully shed some light. The basic thing you need to know is; Frequency Tone In/Out(PL Tone) Offset(+/-...etc) CTCSS(Transmit) and RXCTCSS(Receive) I thought the exact same, you just fire it up and start introducing lol. After hours on hours I ran into an old reddit post that helped me understand this isn't your jack in the box cracker jack radio, it actual requires you to put in some work first lol. Try adding this into your radio, I will be home tomorrow(March 6th) around 12:00PM; 443.85000 - No offset - FM Narrow - T Sql - CTCSS (110.9 on both) Hit me up if you need me to step you through it I'll give you my number or so but otherwise set it up call me out, I'll have the freq on around that time tomorrow. Can you message me on here?
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