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Everything posted by WRXU861

  1. My situation changed a little today. Yesterday, I built a J pole out of 1/2 inch copper pipe. Today, I tuned it and took it outside. With good line of sight and a Radioddity GM-30, I was able to reach a repeater about 30 miles away. The people on the other end had a bit of trouble understanding me, but they were able to understand my call sign. More power should make the problem go away. We'll see what happens when my base radio finally gets delivered. -Steve WRXU861
  2. Just like anywhere on the internet, there are jerks on here that should be ignored. I'd like to add that I've run into a similar issue. After checking the tones and the other potential causes that people have already listed, I realized my issue was from a lack of power. My little 5w handheld can hear a repeater from 30 miles, but doesn't have enough power to talk to it. You may or may not have the same issue. My base station radio is on its way by UPS and rated at 40w. Once I get it up and running, I'll be able to test my theory. -Steve WRXU861
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