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  • Interests
    Currently running a COBRA CXT1035R FLT

    A COM device is something every sportsman or outdoorsman should include in their kit, especially as a backup for emergencies. I would consider myself both of these, as well as a few other things. I'm a tradesman, a craftsman, a
    tan-man, and a boatman.

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  1. I didn't have this on my chirp, i am looking into it. Did you have to download a certain file for these options?
  2. Hello! The radio I was using had a static antenna. If only I knew then what I know now. Which isn't much. HAHA
  3. Good to know, thank you!
  4. Hello! It was a while back but thanks for your reply. Using Morse code, I saved my call sign into a recorder then played it back while keyed. I suppose I sholdn't be trying to talk to a computer anyways. HAHA!!
  5. Newbie needs equipment Advise/help

  6. Hello, ive been monitoring a repeater tower in a neighboring town. it sends a morse code transmission with it's callsign every half hour. I sent a message to the tower with my callsign and it sent back a loud siren almost like a police siren. I hope I didn't make anyone mad. Also contacted the operator days prior with no response.
  7. Hello, Newbie here. Thank You for creating this great service! Is there an invite for discord?
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