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Posts posted by mcorrothers

  1. Welcome to the myGMRS forum SAM. Sorry it took so long to reply, but with the Holiday and all. Ok when you set up a new radio, you will use it's manual to get intouch with it's basic workings first. Some radios allow direct programing, others only allow for USB programing, most everything else is str8 forward from there. let's say you set up RX  on 462.600mhz, in your radio menu you will find an option that allows you to set the repeater offset. +,- or none. under this menu option you will select +5,000mhz this will put your TX or transmit on 467.600,. there are other options in the menu system of your radio that allow you to set other varibles  as well, one most critical to repeater usage is the PL tone, or CTCSS and to some degree DCS. in the this case of CTCSS let's say the repeater has an input tone of 167.9 you would need to set your TX CTCSS to 167.9 to activate the repeater. If you chose to lock out other simplex chatter on 462.600, you would also set your RX CTCSS to 167.9 this will filter out most others conversations. But is not to be confused with a private conversation., many bubble pak radios boast the CTCSS and DCS as privacy codes and they are not. With regard to chosing a radio, There are many options, Cheap Chinese Radios (CCR's) are not Part95 certified, although they will work on GMRS, They are not techincally compliant. Some CCR's also get hot quickly and degrade in transmit quality when hot. also to remain compliant as well as courtsey to the repeater owner, you should always announce your call sign and refrains from interupting an already on going conversation. I sugest turning off noise makers like beep tone and the like. is not nessary and get's old fast. If a conversation with your family member can be made via simplex, keep it on simplex, save the repeater usage for those that need it. There is much more to learn and you will in time, but this should be enough to get you started. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate, we are here to help.   Jim...

    I live in Southern California, I use a Cheap Chinese hand held radio, a Baofeng BF - 888 (UHF Only) to be exact, and is made for GMRS. It does not overheat or degrade. They work with the repeaters here very well. The radio is 5 watts or less output power. They are programable with GMRS Frequencies via USB cable, and your PC. I got 6 of them on amazon for $16.90 each. My family loves them. You will too.

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