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  1. would anyone be able to help me figure out the proper way order of numbers to program for a repeater in the kpg135 program? ive got my radios working simplex but im having difficulty as im not sure what the dpl number the repeater uses lines up as in the radio program. is that under the qt/dqt numbers?
  2. excellent thank you so much for all of your help!
  3. The problem i was having was finding the up to date Serial number for the program on Ham files and reinstall on my computer. So if i needed to put in a 263 DPL code i would use the normal state?
  4. Also what is the difference in the programing between D123I and D123N?
  5. One last question that i didn't want to start a new thread for is when I'm programming in frequency for the repeater to my radio, is the input and output listed for the repeater. do i put the input freq in my radio as the TX or the RX? Thanks again for your help everyone. I have figured out how to get my radio to recognize on my computer
  6. I downloaded the file from ham files but I am running a windows 10 computer and from everything I can find of Ham files it is very hit or miss on it work. Im also thinking that my cable is part of the problem because my computer isnt recognizing it being plugged in when i hook it up to the radio. The file that downloads is kpg-135_v.100.rar Im not sure why its a RAR not a read me
  7. Im guessing the problems Im having are that the cable is not a kenwood oem. its a amazon special. my computer was not recognizing that the cable was plugging in and wouldnt even try to find a driver to read it. Im going to contact a local business radio dealer and see what they can give insight on. I also down loaded the kpg 135d file from ham files but i think that it is not working on windows 10. Thank you
  8. once down loaded it will not even open to install. just says that it cannot find the proper application to open through.
  9. I just recently got some tk8360h radios that are pre programmed for gmrs but i want to add some local repeater channels. i tried to get that software posted above but it does not work once downloaded for some reason. any help?
  10. Hello. I am new to the group and was hoping to find help with programming software guidance. I have two kenwood radios that have basic gmrs channels programmed on them but i would like to add the local repeaters as well. The radios are tk 8360HU. I purchased a usb programming cord for them that came with some disk but i cannot get anything to recognize on my computer. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated. If this isn't the place to be asking this kind of question I apologize. Thank you Sam wrcs964
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