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Everything posted by pwindsor

  1. Does anyone have a recommendation for an amplifier for the Wouxun KG-935G that would go in my vehicle
  2. "FCC Lords very unhappy" Sounds like a win to me!
  3. WRXE944, I assume you are a fan of Wouxun
  4. Thank you everyone for your comments, they helped a lot. After talking extensively with Rob (JB007Rules) and watching Randy's (AKA OffRoaderX, AKA notarubicon) youtube video's, I decided to go with the Wouxun KG-1000G GMRS base station AND two Wouxun KG-935G Plus with an amplifier. My plan is to put the KG-1000 in my home and take the amplifier and install in my car and use one of the KG-935G Plus in my car. Thank you all again for your assistance.
  5. Randy, I am a huge fan! If I might make a suggestion, could you maybe do a video where you discuss the pro's and con's of a base station versus a handheld with a amplifier? You were the fist site I searched, but I did not see anything on that topic.
  6. Please note I am a total newbie at this So I was looking at the Wouxun KG-1000G GMRS base station versus the Wouxun KG-935G Plus with an amplifier, is there any upside to using the base station versus a handheld with the amplifier? I cannot seem to find any good articles on pro's and con's. The amplifier has a 40watt output and the base station has a 50 watt output, but from what I have read the 10 watt difference does not make a whole lot of difference. Thanks in advance for your assistance
  7. Hello all, I hope you are all safe and healthy... In February 2020 I was introduced to Ham & GMRS radio. I am a bit of a techie and I was asked to help program someones radio (GMRS); so I read up on it and now I can't get enough. I feel like a kid with some new toys. So here are my questions, and I apologize for the "basic-ness" of them. 1.) I have a handheld radio (lets not discuss which one as not to start a debate). When I am outside I get a fairly good signal, on Sunday night I tune into the "National GMRS Net" where I hear people from all over the US. Its awesome! (I have yet to transmit as I am awaiting permission from the owner of the repeater to be on his repeater). I have noticed that when I go inside my home into my office (which is in the basement) I get ZERO signal. So my first simple question is this: Is there a good antenna I can get that I can place in my attic (two story home so the antenna would be technically on the third level)? Will it work in the attic or do I have to place it outside? (okay I admit that is actually more than one question). 2.) For the record, this next question is gonna be stretching it and may qualify as an actual "stupid question". A few weeks back on the "National GMRS Net" (March 29) it sounded like there was a way to connect into the GMRS network via your computer or mobile phone. In the process of educating myself I came across DMR radios (I understand you need your HAM license for that). Is there something similar where I can have an antenna that converts my analog signal into a digital one, which then gets pushed into the internet and out to the "National GMRS Net" OR can I use a DMR radio connected to a DMR "Hot Spot" in my home to talk on the GMRS network? Ok I have a few more questions, but your responses to the above questions may alter my next set of questions.. Thanks again for your assistance Patrick A Windsor II WRFF363
  8. Thank you for your response, I noticed that and it was a typo, this is actually what it should have been: Network: Midwest GMRSType: Open SystemTravel Tone: NoORI: YesRange: 85 milesOutput: 462.700 97.4 HzInput: 467.700 97.4 Hz So I received some feedback and was told to set my radio as follows: Frequency: 462.7000Tone Mode: TSQLTone: <blank>ToneSql: 97.4DTCS Code: <blank>DTCS Rx Code: <blank>DCS Pol: <blank>Cross Mode: <blank>Duplex: +Offset: 5.0000Mode: FMPower: HighSkip: <blank> The individual posted that both Tone & ToneSql should be 97.4, but I can only set one of the values. Do you know how to set both to 97.4? I am using chirp Last question, how does one ask for permission to use the repeater and whom do I ask?
  9. So I just discovered GMRS within the last 60 days and purchased my GMRS license about 30 days ago. I am trying to program my first radio via Chirp and am not sure I am doing it correctly. Can someone provide some guidence? I am trying to connect to the Midwest GMRS using the Grundy 700 repeater. This is the info on the repeater from the MyGMRS website: Network: Midwest GMRS Type: Open System Travel Tone: No ORI: Yes Range: 85 miles Output: 462.700 97.4 Hz Input: 462.700 97.4 Hz Here is what I have on my radio (via chirp): Frequency: 462.7000 Tone Mode: Tone Tone: 94.7 ToneSql: <blank> DTCS Code: <blank> DTCS Rx Code: <blank> DCS Pol: <blank> Cross Mode: <blank> Duplex: + Offset: 5.0000 Mode: FM Power: High Skip: <blank> Can anyone confirm I have done this correctly?
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